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http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hei-_en_Boeicop ligt op de grens van Zuid-Holland en Utrecht, een kilometertje op vier van de afslag Lexmond aan de A27.

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Oranjevereniging Hei- en Boeicop - Google Maps

A cooperation between the local "Oranjevereniging", the Seppe based "Vliegend Museum", and a Vianen based collector of WWII materials has resulted in the development of "Orange Airport" in Hei- en Boeicop. This temporary airfield in polder area will only be in operation from 3 till 5 May, and will be used as a basis for various flights for commemoration of the dead and liberation day.

The program looks like this:
May 3, arrival day and training flights,
May 4, training and formation flights for commemoration of the death (dodenherdenking),
May 5, training and formation flights and fly-by's for liberation day (bevrijdingsdag). Also departure day. This is expected to be the busiest day.

The aircraft expected to visit this temporary airfield are mainly historic aircraft from the "Vliegend Museum", but some friends may drop by as well.

There is an area available for visitors to take a look at the airfield and planes. Entrance to this area will be along the sports hall in the middle of the town. Visiting this area will be free for all.