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Discussie: Fokker T.V tail turret dimension

  1. #1

    Standaard Fokker T.V tail turret dimension

    Hello there,

    I'm new to this forum. I come from Germany. Please excuse that I do not write in Dutch but in English.

    I'm interested in the Fokker T.V, but it's hard to find reference. I have the Dutch Profile Fokker T.V "Luchtkruiser" book and collected some drawings found on the internet.
    But when comparing the drawings of the tail turret with photos of the real plane, I have the impression that on the drawings it is a bit too large and "clumsy".
    In the Dutch Profile book, it is stated that the tail turret is the same like the one of the Fokker G.I.
    Then, I found this 1/10 scale drawing of the G.I, according to which the length of the turret is 1045 mm:

    Based on this drawing, the diameter of the turret is approximately 835 mm.

    Therefore I would like to ask whether

    • the turrets of the T.V and G.I are indeed the same, and whether
    • the dimensions (1045 mm length, approximately 835 mm diameter) are correct.

    Veel groeten

  2. #2
    29 februari 2008


    Dimensions of the G1 turret : Diameter 912, Length 1130

  3. #3


    Fantastisch, dank je!

  4. #4


    Hi Alex,

    Welcome on the forum. I guess you are one of the very few foreigner who has an interest in the Fokker T.V! There are several threads about the T.V on this forum and Daan made a wonderfull simulator in FSX. Did you see that one?


    Als het regent in mei is april voorbij.

  5. #5


    I just saw pictures of the flightsimulator T.V. Quite impressive and inspiring!
    I myself am interested in aircraft models in 1/32 scale. And I try to make my own ones using 3d printing, especially rather rare types, which will probably never appear as a commercial kit from major kit manufacturers.

    Here are some printed "prototypes" of the T.V. The one with wings is my first version with very large tail turret. Left one is a bit refined with more rounded fuselage cross-section. The black rear fuselage part with the white end is based on the data mentioned my first post above. There the rear turret indeed to be too tiny. The black part on the lower right just came out of the 3d printer and is based on the date mentioned by Daan. There, the rear turret seems to be just right.

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  6. #6


    Hi Alex,

    Interesting! Your 3-D printing looks very impressive. Did you sofar finish any other rare aircraft type?
    Als het regent in mei is april voorbij.

  7. #7


    Well, I guess I have a certain talent for starting new projects. My ability to actually finish anything, however, is still improvable

    Here are some: Betty, Seiran, LeO-45, PZL-37 and Fiat RS.14

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  8. #8


    Nice! Perhaps a sugestion for a type when you finished the T.V: Pander S-4 Postjager - Wikipedia
    Als het regent in mei is april voorbij.

  9. #9


    Very interesting, your 3D printing. Do you print parts as in a plastic model kit? Or do you make a full fuselage and wings etc? You could start a kit business in this way.

  10. #10


    I'm not sure how far I can take this topic here, after all this is the Fokker forum. I don't want to break any forum rules here. So if this goes too far, please let me know.

    Once a model gets to an more advanced state, I normally split the fuselage into two halves, which than show some recessed lines on the inside where frames can be added later on by hand. The wings also have to be split into several parts, especially because of the wheel well. On the LeO-451 in the picture above, you can see that the wings consist of various smaller parts. From my experience, one of your biggest challenges in 3d-printing is gravity. You cant print in thin air, you always need something to print on. So, overhangs are allways difficult.

    The Betty and Seiran in the picture above are in a very early stage, basically they just consist of a few hollow shells.

    The PZL.37 is already in a very advanced state. It would jus take a bit more tim to actually finish it. Here, the vertical frames were added later on to recessed lines on the inside of the fuselage. The horizontal stringes were added completely by free hand from Evergreen profiles.

    Naam: IMG_20181118_183354900.jpg
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    On the Fokker T.V, my plan is to make the rear fuselage as one part, and the forward fuselage as the halves.That I already did with the first printed "prototype".

    I already thought about making this a small business. I whish I had more time. Due to my regular work, I usually only find enough time for 3d drawing on weekends and days off.
    And then, the printed parts are still miles away from what one could expect from injection modelded kits. A lot of sanding, scribing and scratch-building is necessary to achieve something halfway presentable.
    But I wouldn't rule it out in general. Under the label One Man Model, there is already a guy from Japan who sells printed model kits on Ebay.

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