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Discussie: NIEUW BOEK: "Lockheed Model 9B Orion - The Swiss Revolution"

  1. #1
    21 november 2008

    Standaard NIEUW BOEK: "Lockheed Model 9B Orion - The Swiss Revolution"

    Onze uitgeverij European Airlines heeft weer een nieuw boek uitgegeven. Dit keer een boek over de Lockheed Model 9B Orion bij Swissair.

    Van de achterpagina: "At the time of the introduction in Europe of the Lockheed Model 9B Orion, most airliners in service flew at an easy pace of 140km/h. Swissair, the national airline of Switzerland, introduced now an aircraft that could fly at a speed of maximum 360km/h, but the usual cruising speed was around 260 to 280km/h. Nevertheless, the little wooden wonder from the USA flew 50% faster than any other aircraft – a revolution in European aviation. Swissair decided to operate the aircraft with just four passenger seats, as mail was far more important and lucrative to carry. In this book, the author has described the history of the aircraft with many new details and photographs. Hubert Cance has made a cutaway of the aircraft, while Toni Ruffiner made colour profiles."

    Author: Rob J M Mulder
    Format: 120 pages, 210x229mm (A4), hardback, 147 photographs, 14 color profiles and one cutaway drawing.
    Language: English
    Publisher: European Airlines Rob Mulder
    ISBN: 978-82-93450-15-3
    Price: NOK 250 + pp (not including local VAT, import duties or local taxes)

    Het boek is binnenkort ook bij de Luchtvaarthobbyshop verkrijgbaar.
    Bijgevoegde afbeelding(e) Bijgevoegde afbeelding(e)  
    Met vriendelijke groeten,
    Rob Mulder

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