Hi Tae1976,
Welcome! Always nice to see that others than Dutch are interested in Koolhoven. You firts question I can't tell you, but the second photo seeems to be at Waalhaven. At the background you can see a big crane that points to a port like Waalhaven.
Als het regent in mei is april voorbij.
Welcome here,
First question; I think this is what you are looking for. It's a very bad quality but better than nothing.
Second question; This picture is indeed made at the Rotterdam Airport "Waalhaven" where they were built. The complete French serials were painted over with waterbased colors because it was not allowed to ferry them over Belgium in French military colours. (Belgium was a neutral country, so they had to give them Dutch civil registrations for the ferry flight to Buc in France)
Picture is probably taken in August 1939.
Are these questions for making a model, or are you researching the type? In that case I would like to know if you have more information or pictures of the F.K. 58 in France.
Regards, Stef
Great. So fast.
Who makes the model, here: Koolhoven FK-58C.1 H&S Engine Azur 1/72- ????????? : ????? ??????????
Another question: How to paint the interior of the cabin?
To me it seems to lack common sense to repaint the aircraft ( even with water based paint ) if with a small detour you fly around the Belgium.
Further this picture looks retouched. The rudder just looks not normal. Also the french roundel looks too bright ( should this not be then a dutch roundel accoording to the story of Stef ? )
Pim; the aircraft were painted according French instructions. There are pictures made in the factory where you see them with full markings, mostly on the rudder and the underside of the plane.
The rudder was painted over and the Dutch ferry registration was painted on the side. The underside of the plane remained as requested by the French.
A few years earlier Koolhoven had ferried a F.K.31 in complete French markings. It had made a stop in Belgium and afterwards the Belgian authorities complained about the French markings. I think that's why this happened.
The picture Tae1976 presented is as I believe PH-AVG (French C-018), one of four Hispano engined F.K.58's used by the fighter training school at Etampes. It was ferried to France in the end of june 1939. (the Gnome engined ones in august).
I have a copy of the same picture and you might be right that it is the picture itself which was retouched as all the other rudders where painted white over the French colours.
Tae1976 ; I have no idea about he interior colours, but the instrumentpanel was black (matt) In the thread about a possible reconstruction (page 4) there are a number of pictures of a French F.K.58. Maybe they can help you.
Information coming from : Dik Top - Koolhoven en zijn vliegtuigproduktie en Theo Wesselink - Koolhoven Vliegtuigen (Dapper nr.5)
Hello Stef,
I started to look closely to the flightlineup with 13 FK-58 in one line.
Things which draw my attention were the roundel, too bright and the edges are not even enough to make a nice circle. Then after aircraft number 6 there is a strange light gray area ( see yellow arrow ).
I started to cut and past a little and then you can "cut" aircraft number 3 to 6 and past it behind number 6 ! voila 4 more aircraft on the line up. In only had to scale the cutout 45% and rotate it a little to leftfits very good.
Also look at the shadows from the aircraft. After number 6 there is a large step in the shadow line from the wings. Are the aircraft parked further forward, no because the propellor "spacing" is almost equal.
so wat jou ar saying is the picture is a fake
or atleast temperd with
to Tae1976 - Since this topic is now changing into something which is not important for your model.
I will continue this topic in Dutch which will make it easier for me to reply the others. Good luck with your model.
Aan Pim en Jeroen,
Natuurlijk werd er aan foto's geretoucheerd. Best knap trouwens zonder de hedendaagse middelen die hier voor zijn.
Hieronder een foto van dezelfde rij FK.58's. Het waren er dus 6, die zijn nog een keer verkleind en erachteraan geplakt.
Ik denk simpel voor publiciteits doeleinden. (in de trant van "kleine fabriek bouwt grote serie voor buitenlandse mogendheid" of zo iets)
Nog een mooi voorbeeld is een fabrieksfoto (51.17) van F.K.51's voor de MLD, die ook gebruikt is voor de kerstwens van 1938. Daar vliegen er ineens nog een paar bij.
Fokker deed precies hetzelfde. Eerst een foto van de F.XXXVI en dezelfde foto met een compleet nieuwe achtergrond. Ook een fabrieksfoto trouwens.
Ongetwijfeld zullen hier meer foto's van bestaan. Denk maar aan die brandend neerstortende G.I, maar dat is uiteraard geen fabrieksfoto!
Groeten, Stef
Thank you Stef.
Outstanding photos.
You may continue in Dutch, if it is more convenient. Foxlingo forever...
As you think, what the french registration number of this Koolhoven?