26 januari 2013, 13:31
De Schelde unknown bomber
can anyone ID this De Schelde bomber project ?.

26 januari 2013, 16:12
Dit project heeft wel heel veel kenmerken van de Pander Postjager. De cockpitbeglazing en de staartvlakken zijn vrijwel identiek van vorm.
This project has a lot of characteristics of the Pander Postjager. Cockpitglazing and tailplanes are almost the same shape.
Laatst gewijzigd door Pitot; 26 januari 2013 om 16:17
26 januari 2013, 16:12
Klopt, Pander was overgenomen door De Schelde. Kan het de S.19 zijn? Heb geen idee hoe die eruit zag.
Edit: blijkbaar had de S.19 twee staartbomen, dus die is het niet.
Laatst gewijzigd door Marcel; 26 januari 2013 om 16:18
26 januari 2013, 16:40
I suggest it was taken any designation between S.15 to S.18.
Laatst gewijzigd door hesham; 26 januari 2013 om 17:09
26 januari 2013, 17:18
Look at the engine cowling: maybe I have to get another pair of eyes, but on that cowling is written De Schelde II. Schelde, "S", II=11 means Schelde S.11. The Dutch LVA want only planes with Rolls Royce Kestrel engines, so this model can be projected between 1933 and 1935. The Schelde S.12 is from March 1935. Nice photographs!!
26 januari 2013, 17:22
I think you get it LVA-40,
may be that is right.
26 januari 2013, 22:52
Maybe, if you can publish the same photographs in a bigger format, we can discuss about it. Maybe it is really "II", so the Schelde S.2. And that means that this will be the Pander S.4 Militair variant with other engines. I will have a look in the book about the Pander story, if that could be right.
Kind regards,
Jan G
26 januari 2013, 23:05
But LVA-40;
the S.2 was a four engined pusher aircraft,as I know,anyway
check from it.
27 januari 2013, 09:23
here was also a discussion about De Schelde designations
here was also an older discussion about De Schelde designations
27 januari 2013, 13:03
Yes Eric,
but I agree with LVA-40 about,may be this aircraft was S.11.
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