Dharma Jalakaca Putra op Oost Java.
Dharma Jalakaca Putra op Oost Java.
Deze Fokker F28 staat in een themapark te Magelang , Midden Java.
Laatst gewijzigd door Mathieu; 23 november 2016 om 13:20
Als WO2 verzamelaar, verzamel je uit interesse naar het verleden.
De foto toont volgens mij dezelfde helikopter als jij vlak hiervoor plaatste. Zeker als ik naar het bord en boompje kijk wat er bij staat.
Als jij dan bij jouw foto zet Soerabaja, wat doet jou dan twijfelen dat je deze vraag stelt?
Overigens geeft Peter de Jong aan bij een foto van het zelfde toestel dat het wel degelijk in Soerabaja staat. Zie onderstaande link.
Photos: Westland Wasp HAS1 (P-531-2)
Mvg, Boris
Deze foto heb ik van een toenmalige collega bij Schreiner Luchtvaart gekregen. Hij had in januari 1974 een reis naar Indonesie gemaakt. Het toestel stond volgens hem even buiten Jakarta en kon toen al best een verfje gebruiken. Volgens hem werden er 8000 st. van dit type gebouwd.
Laatst gewijzigd door Mathieu; 23 november 2016 om 13:21
Da's een Vultee BT-13 Valiant.
Op Hoogeveen zijn er ook twee in aanbouw (lange termijn).
edit: aha... de titel niet gelezen. Het type stond dus al in beeld
With respect to the Avro Anson R-003, I have the following.
The Indonesian forces operated two Avro Ansons which had been purchased with gold collected in Bukittingi, on Sumatra. Bukittingi was the hometown of Indonesian Vice-President Mohammed Hatta.
The first of these has been associated with the registration RI-003 and carried previously the Australian registration VH-BBY. One reference source has linked VH-BBY to the registration RI-001 but this is most probably incorrect. VH-BBY was formerly RAF AX505 and was operated by Queensland Aerial Ambulance & Taxi Services before being acquired by Air Traders and exported to Thailand. Although some sources suggest that it was obtained by Indonesia in September 1947, other sources state that H. Keegan flew it to Thailand and Singapore in December 1947, following which it was chartered by the Indonesian authorities. According to some sources the aircraft arrived in Singapore on 1 December 1947 and was refused to fly to Palembang. However, the aircraft later received approval to fly to Bangkok via Penang and Mergui. The aircraft left Singapore on 5 December 1947 but the aircraft did not fly to Penang but instead landed at Bukti Tinggi where it was taken over by Indonesia. The non-arrival at Penang caused the RAF to undertake a mission on 6 December 1947 to search for the missing aircraft.
As part of the charter Keegan flew the aircraft from Singapore to Bukittingi and took part in the first operational flight from Bukkittingi to Singora in Burma on 10 December 1947. On this flight Keegan was joined by Lt. Col. Iswanjudi as co-pilot whilst carrying passengers. In Singora, two Indonesian pilots, Iswanjudi and Halim Perdanakusuma, took over the aircraft and flew back to Bukittinggi on 14 December 1947. On the way the aircraft crashed at Tanjung Hentu, Malaysia in a monsoon storm, killing the Indonesian crew. Keegan later joined Queensland Airlines and crashed on 10 March 1949 in Bilinga, Queensland whilst flying Lockheed Lodestar VH-BAG.
TNI-AU publications include an excellent photo of RI-003. Based on the above history this, rather clear, photo should have been made sometime between 10 December and 14 December 1947 using another aircraft. The photo shows some vague former markings resembling F MW as well as an extended gun turret. Indeed there exists an image of an aircraft marked F MW (serial K6285), which represents an aircraft that served with the 321st Squadron of the RAF, a squadron manned by Dutch naval personnel and operating Avro Ansons in the European theatre of war until disbanded on 18 January 1941. This squadron was reformed in March 1942 and, eventually, operated the MLD Consolidated Liberators that were used in the NEI.
RAF aircraft AX505, on the other hand, was an Anson Mk.1, part of a batch of which most were used by the Empire Air Training Scheme. The photo’s origin is further implicated as another TNI-AU reference has a picture of a trio of Rockwell Bronco’s flying against an identical background landscape as on the RI-003 photo whilst, in the same publication, there is a photo of RI-003, but this time so heavily retouched that it is obviously not real and with the RI-003 registration is shown in a different typeface.
Because of the time of its use (December 1947) it is possible that the aircraft registered as VH-BBY never received a RI registration and that the RI-003 registration was a later ‘invention’ in an effort to enhance historical records.
An Avro Anson is displayed in Bukittingi as RI-003 but this is believed to be a replica.
Zomaar een leuk plaatje .
Laatst gewijzigd door Mathieu; 23 november 2016 om 13:22
Als WO2 verzamelaar, verzamel je uit interesse naar het verleden.
Een BT 13 voor het vliegveld van Kuta , Bali
Laatst gewijzigd door Mathieu; 23 november 2016 om 13:23
T6 Harvard - Museum Perjuangan , Bukittinggi .
Laatst gewijzigd door Mathieu; 23 november 2016 om 13:24