Wellicht wel aardig om te vertellen hoe ik bij deze vraag van washout:
het type heb gevonden.
De tweestaarter was een slechte onvolledige afbeelding en dan kan je de hulp van goegel lens inroepen. Dat gaf in eerste instantie geen resultaat, dus heb ik met Paint het plaatje een beetje bewerkt met dit resultaat:
En toen kwam er wel een hit:
Met Wiki verder gekeken en de AT-21 was zo bedoeld: The concept was to have a single type that was able to duplicate the bomber crew positions from piloting, navigation, bomb aiming/dropping to aerial gunnery
Maar het leven is vol teleurstellingen: The AT-21 proved unsuitable for use as a trainer due to vibration and oscillation tendencies, as well as an inherent instability caused by the short distance between the rudders and the gull wing. The aerodynamic instability resulted in unacceptable yaw when even slight rudder movements were made.[6] Deemed unsuitable for its original purpose, the AT-21 was evaluated as an advanced pilot trainer. This also did not work out well, due to poor single-engine performance and multiple landing gear problems. The aircraft was withdrawn from service in 1944 and was replaced in training by examples of the actual aircraft in which the gunners would eventually serve. Many AT-21s were then relegated to target-tow duties.